
Message from the Director General


Dr. Mohamed A. Sheikh (Director General NCPD)

The Government of Kenya has since independence recognised that population management is key in realization of sustained socio-economic development. Over the years Government has developed a number of population policies, strategies and programmes to address population management challenges and emerging issues. In the year 2012, the National Assembly passed the Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2012 on Population Policy for National Development which has been guiding the country’s population programme to date.

Due to changes in governance structure, population patterns and trends, as well as emerging opportunities and challenges presented by the population dynamics among other issues, National Council for Population and Development (NCPD), has begun the process of revising the current Population Policy for National Development in order to realign with these new developments. This, is in collaboration with stakeholders to make it more responsive to National aspirations and emerging population issues. The revision is in line with the framework of Kenya Constitution 2010, national social-cultural values and ethos.

The objectives of revising the policy are:

  1. To review and align the Population Policy to ensure it responds to the national priorities articulated in Kenya’s Vision 2030, ICPD25 Kenya Commitments, AU agenda 2063, Addis Abba Declaration on Population and Development, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other relevant regional and international frameworks;
  2. To include emerging issues, gaps and challenges identified during implementation;
  3. To recognize and incorporate the role played by the Counties in the implementation of the population policy.

The Council has commenced public participation forums that are taking place in all the 47 Counties from 28th September, 2020 to 30th November, 2020 to receive views and submissions. Apart from the forums, an email has been established where the public can submit their submissions (policysubmissions@ncpd.go.ke). The same can be hand delivered at the NCPD’s 11 regional offices and at the head office.  We call upon members of the public, civil society organizations, religious groups, community based organizations and individual citizens to make contributions and submissions towards this noble course as guided.

NCPD remains committed to listening to all Kenyans and appreciates your views, opinions and expert advice on this important aspect touching on all our lives.


To provide Excellent Leadership in Population Policy Development and its Implementation for Sustainable Development

Kenya's Population 2019
Kenya's County Governments

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