Our Mandate
The Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund (SASDF) is established under the Public Finance Management (Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund) Regulations, 2018. The mandate of the Fund is to provide funding to support the development and promotion of sports and arts, and the promotion of social development including universal health-care.
Objectives of the fund
The Fund:
promotes social development including universal health care
finances the development of sports and recreation facilities including stadia, gymnasiums, buildings, tracks;
enhances support and access to funding for sports persons and sports organizations to enable their participation in sporting events and competitions
facilitates the acquisition and provision of equipment to sports and recreational facilities
supports the identification, nurturing and development of talent in sports and arts
facilitates training and capacity building programmes for persons involved in sports and recreation, creative arts, artistic production, contemporary and cultural practitioners.
facilitates the identification, development and capacity building of technical personnel and sports support personnel involved in sports and recreation.
supports the promotion and development of artistic production of contemporary or cultural practitioners
facilitates the marketing and promotion of artistic productions and contemporary or cultural goods and services;
supports linkages with domestic, regional and international markets for sports, artistic productions and contemporary or cultural goods and services
facilitates the exhibition and promotion of contemporary or cultural artistic production of goods and services for national identity and pride
finances the acquisition, development and perservation of, among others, heritage sites, cultural centers, national monuments, tangible and intangible heritage and culture and heritage equipment and tools and;
facilitates innovation, research and documentation in arts, culture and the creative industry sports and social development